A Period of Growth

I’ve been gone a while.  But what a while it was, a roller coater ride of emotion and manifestation that merely strengthened my understanding of the Law of Attraction.

Life is cyclic, but only if we allow the cycles to occur.  We have our ups and downs but only because we believe and accept it.

After my last post, I found myself in one of those incredible lows.  I found myself in a depressed state in a relationship, at my work and in my business.  I found myself believing reality and forgetting that I, like everyone else, am a creative creature with the ability to influence “reality”.

There are times in our lives when the past catches up with us.  It is the manifestation of our previous thoughts and emotions.  Our thoughts and emotions are, in fact, one because the two are inexorably linked.  Our thoughts create our emotions and our emotions color our thoughts.  I wondered if one can exist without the other but I find no evidence of that in human beings.

I allowed myself to feel the negative pole of emotion and paid the price.  I allowed myself to fall into a pit of despair.

I know better.  But that doesn’t mean I always do the right thing.  Just like all, I make my mistakes and learn from them.

I am an introverted intuitive and I have a strong sense of others’ feelings.  While it allows me to relate to others, I oftentimes absorb others’ negative emotions as well.  Then, in a continuous feed back loop, my negative state reinforces the negative state of others after which they, in turn, reinforce my own negative state.  It is a dangerous spiral that leads to destructive depression.

It took effort to turn things around. 

I began to focus on the positive outcomes I really wanted <i>regardless of what happened outside</i>.  I detached from the “how” and just focused on the end result.  That is the true lesson of “detachment” as preached in religious and spiritual disciplines.  Detachment allows the Universe, Source, to choose the best way to provide the result with us still be open to receive the gift.

It’s like my asking a Philanthropist for one million dollars but only if I can pick it up as a money order at the corner 7-11 (that’s attachment)!  We focus on specifics without realizing that there are better, easier ways for manifestation to occur.  Meanwhile, the Philanthropist has a million dollars waiting for me to pick up in one of a thousand banks at my convenience, with a limosine waiting for me at my house while I wait in line at the 7-11.

We try to impose our own wisdom on Source.  The skin cell tries to tell the quarterback how to throw a touchdown!

I started to realize that Source was like me.  I watch over my kids’ bank accounts (both in school) to make sure they have enough money for their needs.  They don’t even need to ask.  I just watch and provide.  My kids don’t have to think of how the money gets there.  They don’t have the resources for that while I do!

If I can do that with my limited resources and wisdom, how much more can Source with Infinite Resources.  What makes it so hard to believe that I will get what I ask for?  If Bill Gates can spare me $10,000 without blinking, how much more Infinite Source?

It comes down to this – what we ask for we get but we have to actually extend our hand and be at the right place to receive it.  We have be open to many possibilities because we are in a chess board where we, the chess piece, can only see left, right, front and back while Source, the player, sees not only up and down but all the pieces on board as well.  Then, getting from point A to point B is it’s only a matter of time and a series of chess movements.

We are responsible for receptive thought.  But even more important, we are responsible for receptive feeling.

We create the <i>feeling</i> of the end result and the Universe creates the whole drama to get there.

It’s almost like watching a movie from the inside-out knowing that in the end, everything will resolve itself to our satisfaction.