Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

Freedom is no longer caring about what others think about you. Happiness is taking all the sticks and stones others hurl at you…and building a palace!

This image will soon be available at

The Choice To Take the Paved Road

How does it feel to suddenly find out your income is about to be slashed to the point where you’re going to have to dig into your savings just to stay above water?

Not good! Not good at all!

My employer just informed the entire company that all employees would be furloughed for two weeks, at our scheduling convenience, of course! For many of the top executives, this is hardly a hardship. But for many of the line workers, the loss of two weeks pay may be financially devastating.

The reaction was as expected. The halls were filled with the sounds of verbal expressions of angst, grumbling, anger and a general reduction in the morale, even if the furloughs were sold as being “for the good of the company”. It’s another way of saying “be glad you still have a job”! I understand business, but I also understand the financial fear that many now face for the upcoming months. Can you blame anyone for feeling like this?

A loss of two weeks pay is difficult for me but not necessarily devastating. I have been in worse situations before and have come up on top. Yet, I was caught up in the disappointment, fear and even anger at the “top executives” who came up with this idea.

But allowing myself to wallow in this does not solve my problem. If anything at all, it exacerbates it!

It creates an immediate and powerful energy of LACK that radiates from my being. I start seeing that I don’t have enough instead of realizing that I have reserves and resources to draw upon for this short period of time.

But even more importantly, I was making an awful choice! And that was the most important thing of all.

I chose to think negatively and it affected my entire evening and possibly even my health (couldn’t sleep last night).

We can chose what we imagine, what we entertain in our minds. We can follow the throng down the road of despair instead of following the paved road that people seem to ignore.

Happiness is not in the money but in the images I entertain in my head. It is that happiness that changes the radiation we send out which, in turn, attracts the conditions and circumstances of our lives. The money is a result of the radiation we emit, the vibration of our character. It is merely a by-product! And the vibration itself, is a choice!

So I chose to wallow in prosperity, not lack. It’s not the money that I consider prosperity. It is the feeling of freedom and peace that money brings. The money is just a means to prosperity.

Once I made this choice, things began to look a little different. Losing two weeks pay means that I need to tighten my belt a little bit. Perhaps I’ll gain that smaller waistline I always wanted by buying simpler, healthier food rather than boxed pizza. I’ll spend less time in Starbucks and drink a lot less coffee. I’ll go walking instead of eating out. I have a great excuse to actually have a healthier and happier life.

Do I get a part-time job? Maybe, maybe not. But I refuse to do it out of fear. Why not look for a part-time job where I can actually play, one that I am passionate about? Does the job exist? Who says it doesn’t? And it may just transition me to a new career for retirement. (As for retirement, I don’t want to stop working. I just want to get more creative and get paid to play.)

I get to stay home more instead of going out which gives me more time to read (I’m an introvert, if you can’t already tell). I can spend more time working on music and creating songs and videos.

I can spend more time writing and thinking about futuristic ideas. That means more blog entries!!

Now, the furlough isn’t as bad as it originally seemed. Now, I see it as an opportunity, a challenge, a game! It has given me time!! It’s an opportunity to find and create whatever conditions I need and want to gain freedom, both financial and personal. It is an impetus, a push, a signal that things are about to change. But that change depends on my frame of mind!

When I first got notice about the furlough, I was all doom and gloom, just like everybody else. But there is also an excitement. It’s an excitement of discovery, of being pushed to find another path that may supplement what I already have. It is a path that may just lead to more fun.

There is always something out there but we fail to see it because we are closed to it. I actually love my job. It is mentally engaging and challenging. It gives me the opportunity to create and invent and challenges me to find new ways to do things. It gives the

Now I can apply this to help others and I am given the impetus to do so.

Sometimes, we are given road blocks, not to stop us, but to move us in the direction of our dreams. All we have to do, is realize that and just follow the signs.

And above all, relax and chose the thoughts and images that create a sense of excitement and adventure. The next chapter in the novel of Life is just starting!

Breaking Away From the Maelstrom of Negativity

I made a terrible mistake!

I came across a video that was making its rounds through the internet. Drawn by its title, my curiosity was piqued. Like most news stories, it had a sensationalistic title which I took to be nothing more than an overdone, National Enquirer type, headline meant to draw an audience. So I clicked on it expecting a typical hyped up news segment.

I was not prepared for the raw, grizzly, morbid images that assaulted, not only my eyes and ears, but my very being.

It watched an untouched scene of the gruesome execution of an innocent man for his own beliefs.

I do not wish to give you the details. I do not want to give this image any more power in my imagination beyond that which I need to express my feelings in this matter.

I, myself, am to blame for all this. I allowed myself the satisfaction of morbid curiosity. I watched that video with as much disbelief as I did fascination. This couldn’t be real, could it? No one would post such a gruesome scene unless it was something out of Hollywood horror movie! Even now, I wonder, and hope, that the whole thing was just a staged prank. I am disgusted that I allowed myself to watch such a horrid and inhumane act. Despite my horror, I watched the video, hoping that it was just an act. I was hoping it was a prank. Surely there would a disclaimer after.

But it was not to be. I witnessed a real destruction of a human life.

Not only did I “buy” into this video, I succumbed to an emotional outrage within me that I could not help bringing the horrific injustice in my mind over and over again. Outrage is a powerful negative force that can release an incredible amount of energy.

I knew that I was feeding this negativity and releasing it into the world.

Imagination is such a powerful force that whatever we entertain in our imagination with intense feeling and passion is projected into the world. This bad gets worse and worse and worse and mind after mind participates in it reinforcing its fearsome energy. This is how both good and bad events escalate. But out attention and fascination is drawn mainly to the negative events.

We watch the news and believe that the news represents the whole world when, in fact, it represents a mere fraction of a percent of what the world is like. The more numerous, dominant, positive, normal, events are ignored as not being “news-worthy” while our focus is drawn towards the infinitesimally small number of negative events that dominate the consciousness of this world. Yes, negativity sells! That’s how news services make money and how some groups attract followers. And I just helped sell that morbid negativity to the world.

But this is not the right use of our Imagination just as nuclear weapons are wrong use of nuclear energy. Our Power of Imagination is impartial and non-judgmental. It takes whatever we see in our minds and projects that to the world in proportion to the strength of the feeling we put into it. It can be a vehicle for peaceful advancement or a weapon of mass destruction that makes the atomic bomb pale in comparison.

I have worked to eliminate that terrible image of terror and murder from my mind by directing my Imagination through positive avenues. Deep inside, I felt fury as I saw man’s inhumanity to a fellow man, solely because of his or her beliefs. It did not matter that I did not know the deceased. I wanted to rebel, to take up arms against this inhumanity but, by doing so, I knew that I would merely add more power to the imagining that made this negative event possible.

I am no soldier. I am non-violent. I can’t even see the point in pretend warfare. Yet, I found myself waging a metal campaign of revenge. By doing so, I almost allowed myself the very type of mind-set that produced this atrocity. That is no way to move the world to a better place.

Instead, let me serve at a higher level. To change the world means to change the images that it sees and the thoughts it entertains. I may not change the world. One person will not be enough. But I will change mine! And, perhaps, that is a start.

I have used to blog to explain how the world is created by the images we entertain in our heads. There is a cause and effect at work in Creation. Perhaps, it is now time to actual present positive images for every negative image that comes my way. Let me tell the story of success instead of failure, or shaking hands and hugs instead of gun and sword fights. Let me speak of rockets that fly to new colonies in space rather than to carry warheads that destroy.

This is the last message I have that will carry any negative image. If imagination can offer a “non-real” but happier situation, then I would rather live in fantasy than in the so-called “real” world. I know that, as more and more share positive imaginings, the world has not choice but to change, because we create from what we imagine.

We can live a life of Magic. And that Magic lies in our Imagination.

A Period of Growth

I’ve been gone a while.  But what a while it was, a roller coater ride of emotion and manifestation that merely strengthened my understanding of the Law of Attraction.

Life is cyclic, but only if we allow the cycles to occur.  We have our ups and downs but only because we believe and accept it.

After my last post, I found myself in one of those incredible lows.  I found myself in a depressed state in a relationship, at my work and in my business.  I found myself believing reality and forgetting that I, like everyone else, am a creative creature with the ability to influence “reality”.

There are times in our lives when the past catches up with us.  It is the manifestation of our previous thoughts and emotions.  Our thoughts and emotions are, in fact, one because the two are inexorably linked.  Our thoughts create our emotions and our emotions color our thoughts.  I wondered if one can exist without the other but I find no evidence of that in human beings.

I allowed myself to feel the negative pole of emotion and paid the price.  I allowed myself to fall into a pit of despair.

I know better.  But that doesn’t mean I always do the right thing.  Just like all, I make my mistakes and learn from them.

I am an introverted intuitive and I have a strong sense of others’ feelings.  While it allows me to relate to others, I oftentimes absorb others’ negative emotions as well.  Then, in a continuous feed back loop, my negative state reinforces the negative state of others after which they, in turn, reinforce my own negative state.  It is a dangerous spiral that leads to destructive depression.

It took effort to turn things around. 

I began to focus on the positive outcomes I really wanted <i>regardless of what happened outside</i>.  I detached from the “how” and just focused on the end result.  That is the true lesson of “detachment” as preached in religious and spiritual disciplines.  Detachment allows the Universe, Source, to choose the best way to provide the result with us still be open to receive the gift.

It’s like my asking a Philanthropist for one million dollars but only if I can pick it up as a money order at the corner 7-11 (that’s attachment)!  We focus on specifics without realizing that there are better, easier ways for manifestation to occur.  Meanwhile, the Philanthropist has a million dollars waiting for me to pick up in one of a thousand banks at my convenience, with a limosine waiting for me at my house while I wait in line at the 7-11.

We try to impose our own wisdom on Source.  The skin cell tries to tell the quarterback how to throw a touchdown!

I started to realize that Source was like me.  I watch over my kids’ bank accounts (both in school) to make sure they have enough money for their needs.  They don’t even need to ask.  I just watch and provide.  My kids don’t have to think of how the money gets there.  They don’t have the resources for that while I do!

If I can do that with my limited resources and wisdom, how much more can Source with Infinite Resources.  What makes it so hard to believe that I will get what I ask for?  If Bill Gates can spare me $10,000 without blinking, how much more Infinite Source?

It comes down to this – what we ask for we get but we have to actually extend our hand and be at the right place to receive it.  We have be open to many possibilities because we are in a chess board where we, the chess piece, can only see left, right, front and back while Source, the player, sees not only up and down but all the pieces on board as well.  Then, getting from point A to point B is it’s only a matter of time and a series of chess movements.

We are responsible for receptive thought.  But even more important, we are responsible for receptive feeling.

We create the <i>feeling</i> of the end result and the Universe creates the whole drama to get there.

It’s almost like watching a movie from the inside-out knowing that in the end, everything will resolve itself to our satisfaction.


Debugging Life – Looking Through the Mirror of Reality

I’ve gone through some debugging lately. That’s what programmers do when their software does not do what they want it to do. They write the program and watch what it does on the screen. When what they see on the screen isn’t right, they “debug” their code, finding and correcting errors until what they see on the screen is exactly what they want.

The term “debugging” came from the early days of computers when computers where large electrical machines that used switches to run binary calculations. One time, engineers were getting errors in their results but couldn’t find anything wrong in their program. They then checked their switches and found a bug squashed in one of their relays. The squashed bug caused the switch to fail resulting in the error.

Life also has software.

It’s our belief system.

Reality, our outer world, is the monitor through which we determine if our software is giving us what we want. The outer Reality is our computer monitor.

What really drives life is not the conscious beliefs we have. It’s the really deep, ingrained beliefs that are the result of social, religious, work and peer programming.

These are the beliefs we don’t even realize we have because they have become part of our nature. These took years of reinforcement with line after line of code embedded within our subconscious with each emotional experience. It becomes who we are and determines our actions and motivations.

It is the core of our magnetic experience.

I may want to have a million dollars but if I believe deeply and unconsciously that I don’t deserve the money, I will either never get the million, or if I did, I would blow the million in a few months as my “software” corrects the “anomalous” reality. The belief may have been caused by advise from authority figures, from religious teachings, or even from a childhood full of lost dreams.

While I have many beliefs in my system that need to be replaced by more beneficial beliefs, I have lately been struggling with this one particular belief.

That is that belief that what happens to me in life is because of either fate or because of things outside my control. (This sounds strange coming from someone who writes about the Law of Attraction. But it is this ingrained belief that drives me to search for the path to freedom.)

It is based on years of believing I was a victim! I was a victim of an angry and judging God! It was my parent’s fault that I am so introverted. It was my grandfather’s fault that I’m not good at business. It is my company’s fault that they don’t need my particular skills. It is always somebody’s fault.

This is a very troubling belief because, by believing I am a victim of fate and outside influence, I endanger my own happiness. By embracing a victim mentality, I continue to make myself a victim and invite others to victimize me as well.

But, at the same time, I have had many empowering experiences and during those experiences, I felt completely in control.

The belief comes up when I encounter something new and risky – like a business venture!

I make excuses why I’m so bad at business. I’m like my grandfather who was a great politician but a terrible business person. I have to work full-time. I’m an introvert and I don’t like socializing. I don’t like economics. I don’t think of money a lot. I’m a mental person not a hardware person. I don’t like to delve in details. I want to do something creative, not just make money!

It’s just a whole bunch of excuses other than one true thing – that I’m scared of losing a steady income on a risky venture. I have bought into the statistic that most businesses fail! Even before I started, I had expected to fail.

I recently reinforced this belief by finding out that I am an INFJ in the Meyers-Briggs personality type list, one of the worst personality types when it comes to business. This is one of the personalities with the “victim” mentality. By buying into the Meyers-Briggs personality category, I just reinforced this particular line of code.

I find rules, follow them blindly, and justify my actions based on those rules. I read articles in the internet and take them as “fact”. (Everything in the internet has to be true, right?) I subscribe to “rules” of marketing, networking, blogging, grammar, relationships, work and even compensation.

My whole life has been governed by rules and I’m, frankly, tired of it.

Rules have done nothing more than make me conform and accept an internal programming that has been written and debugged by someone else for their benefit. By my accepting their internal software, I accept a whole bunch of bugs as well because they just ain’t me! (Yes, I said ain’t).

It’s like running Apple software in a Microsoft computer! Software run in the wrong hardware comes with a million bugs!

So I’m debugging.

I will follow the rules that make sense for me and I’ll make my own if need be.

I’ve only just begun. I have a whole lifetime worth of debugging to do. It is never too late.

The nice thing is, when I fix a bug, I expect to see the change instantly on the screen of life. Life is my monitor. If life is right, then the bug is fixed. If life is not quite right, then there is a switch that needs a little bit of cleaning.

I guess I’ll be talking about cleaning a few more switches in the future.

Charismatic Presence – The Science Behind Turning the Other Cheek

When I was younger, I thought that “turning the other cheek” was a really bad idea. It was a recipe for attracting bullies! The best guys were those who would fight back! Nobody ever gave them a hard time.

But then, I grew up.

That didn’t mean that I knew any better. I still thought “turning the other cheek” was dumb. It was the stuff of wimps. It gave people an excuse to take advantage of you.

Then something happened just changed my whole outlook.

One morning, the program manager of a huge program I was working on stopped by my cubicle, fuming and ranting about me making him lie to his customer. As it turned out, he had just concluded a phone call in which he had informed his customer that things were coming along wonderfully. Right after his phone call, he was informed of a failure that would blow his schedule and budget away. In aerospace, there is no such thing as a “small” failure.

Of course, it wasn’t my fault! I didn’t cause the failure. So what if I was in charge of the work? Why get on my case?

That’s what I should have said. Instead, I just stood there and let him rant. I merely listened and nodded my head. I offered myself as the sacrificial lamb. I actually can’t remember a single word he said.

In about a minute, his rant dissipated and he walked into my cubicle, sat down and just placed his head in his hands.

He apologized and then thanked me for listening. Only then did I offer the options for recovery.

This was significant. For the first time in my career, I decided not to fight back and came out victorious is the process. Not only that, I gained so much respect that it solidified my leadership position in the company.

This began a new way, for me, of dealing with difficult and angry people. I opted to not return negative response to negative stimuli. When someone insults me, I smile and say nothing. When someone shouts at me, I use a soft response. When I feel angry, I shut up. Since I did not transmit negative actions, I never received negative responses.

In other words, I turned the other cheek, but not in a demeaning cowardly way. It is not surrendering – it is nullifying.

I began to realize that most people are re-actors. They merely respond! The few who consciously control their action, can get whatever re-action they want from others merely by deciding what action to take.

It works in the same way that noise cancelling headphones work.

Noise is vibration. Every sound has a characteristic wave pattern. What noise cancelling headphones do is to create a mirror copy of the prevailing noise vibration. Then, by playing that same frequency over the noise, the two waves, being opposite, cancel each other out.

What you get is – silence. Peace!

Whenever a person is in any emotional state, whether good or bad, they emit the vibration of that state. When that vibration meets vibration of similar type, the two waves add up and magnify. The return wave is, therefore, greatly increased. This is how emotional states in groups can intensify.

This is why responding with anger to anger causes only more anger. The emotional states cascade!

But if the emotional vibration of one person is responded to by an equal but opposite vibration, the emotional effect cancels out. If the opposing vibration is greater, then that vibration dominates. The other person, being a re-actor, begins to respond to the more powerful vibration.

This is how charismatic personalities influence the feelings of people. The strength of their character and emotional states overpowers the dominant vibration of most people. The stronger the emotional state, the stronger the influence on others, especially with the help of media. As their emotional vibration is received by others, resonance causes that vibration to increase and reflect back to the sender. With this, the charismatic personality gets more and more powerful.

So in reality, “turning the other cheek” is not the act of a coward. It is the act of a charismatic personality who understands the power of vibration and influence. It is the stuff of leadership, the power of the visionary.

Whoever taught us to “turn the other cheek” was a genius and a highly enlightened personality. My only regret was that it took me so long to understand its true value.

Charismatic Presence – The Actor’s Secret – How to Mesmerize an Audience

Every time I think about powerful examples of charismatic presence, Sir Anthony Hopkins’s mesmerizing performance in Silence of the Lambs always comes to mind.

Who can forget the very first scene Hannibal “The Cannibal” Lecter appears? Portrayed as a sadistic and brutal killer, we expect a deranged unkempt psycho, flinging himself from wall to wall, growling at us like a wild animal.

But, to our surprise, we are confronted instead with a calm, well groomed and tidy personality, standing perfectly still and confident, in a relaxed and congenial manner with a welcoming smile on this face looking at us with a steady gaze. Yet, despite the façade of congeniality, we sense in that smile and steady gaze, a tiger stalking his victim.

And all of this comes through the silver screen without Sir Anthony Hopkins saying a single word!

What a fantastic entrance! It was the silent portrayal of the charismatic killer that loudly projected, “Beware, for danger lurks within beauty!”

What a genius performance! What a model of charismatic presentation!

While Sir Anthony Hopkins’s performance was indeed extraordinary, the technique he used to project such powerful charismatic radiation is very well known.

It is fondly known among actors as “The Method”.

Here is a definition from

Method acting is any of a family of techniques used by actors to create in them the thoughts and feelings of their characters, so as to develop lifelike performances. Though not all method actors use the same approach, the “method” in method acting usually refers to the practice, influenced by Constantin Stanislavski and created by Lee Strasberg, in which actors draw upon their own emotions and memories in their portrayals, aided by a set of exercises and practices including sense memory and affective memory.

It is clear that, to project and communicate emotions to the audience, actor’s employs thought to create powerful emotional fields that expand and project outward even through the lens of the camera!

It does not matter if the actual thought had anything to do with the dialogue. The actor radiates the emotions created by these thoughts just as he delivers his lines. It’s not the thoughts that matter as much as the emotions.

In a way, there is no “acting” involved. The simply thinks, and as the actor thinks, the movement and emotions follow without conscious control. The actor becomes the characters and behaves as the character would behave. In fact, the more unconscious the performance, the greater the effect.

This is the method taught in commercial acting.

For example, what if we were to do commercial for soap?

Any expert salesperson will tell you that when you sell soap, you don’t really sell soap. What you are really selling is the good feeling associated with soap – the pleasure of the soft texture of the soap on your skin, the fresh feeling after, the wonderful fragrance and especially, through the use of gorgeous models, the promise of beauty and…Ummm…sex!

In fact, during my training, sex thoughts were a strong source of powerful emotions. Just think of a favorite sexual thought and notice the increase in energy and radiance from your very being.

Sex is a powerful source of both physical and emotional energy, and is a very viable source of attractive charismatic radiation.

Many charismatic people unconsciously exude sex as they communicate which makes for a very strong magnetic attraction.

So how does sex work in selling soap? First, you bring up sexual thoughts which automatically affect your very physiology. Your pupils dilate and your voice gets real husky.

You look at the camera and say lines as if speaking to a lover. Try it! In privacy, tape yourself talking about cleaning the kitchen in a factual way. Then do the same thing, but this time in a highly sexual manner as if you were preparing the kitchen for a sexual encounter. Play the clips back. You will notice a HUGE difference.

That is what charismatic presence is all about.

We radiate our internal thoughts through our feelings. People don’t pick up on our thoughts. They pick up on our feelings and from those feelings, make an educated guess on our thoughts based on the other circumstances surrounding you at that time.

The quality of the thought matters. Whether thought is negative or positive determine whether you exude attractive positive emotion or repellant negative vibes.

There is a big difference in quality between a lover and letch.

It is through this emotional vibration that one influences another. The intensity of the emotions determines how powerfully your charismatic field affects others.
Thoughts are as individual as people are. But emotions are more basic, more formless, and more energetic. The range of emotions varies little from person to person and is independent of race, gender and culture.

By creating feelings within us, we are able to influence the feelings of others around us. And, for most of us as human beings, as we feel, so do we act.

Law of Attraction – The Compression of Time – Part III

Previous posts on the compression of time suggested two ideas:

First, the concentration of mass or energy can warp multi-dimensional space-time and bring two distant points or two or more conscious fields together such that the time to traverse space, or realize manifestation is reduced.

Second, that intention and the manifestation of that intention exist simultaneously like the archer and his target. The path between the intention and manifestation is time, and time is just an ingredient in the whole process of manifestation with its magnitude being dependent on the energy behind the intention.

This final post in this series investigates Energy. It attempts to answer the question, “What Energy needs to be supplied and concentrated to reduce the time between intention and manifestation?”

Looking at ourselves as multidimensional beings, there are various types of energy that we can draw from.

First, there is physical energy. This is energy based on material sources. To sustain our physical being, we depend on food, water and air. These chemical sources are transformed within the body into heat and mechanical energy. But concentration of such energy does not produce much of an effect on manifestation except to cause us to gain physical weight.

Second, there is thought. Thought can be thought of as both with and without form. We cannot touch thought, but we can form thought images and in that manner, thought has form. Thought is where mass and energy merge.

But is thought, itself, Energy? It can’t be seen, heard or touched by physical senses. But thought does exist and, therefore, must exist in a different form. The Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy, as well as Einstein’s equation E = mc^2, suggests that if thought is real, but not mass, then it has to be energy.

Our minds are a conglomeration of thought with as many as 60,000 thoughts in a single day. That means we have 60,000 opportunities for magnetic thought radiation. However, we never hold on to a thought for a sustained period of time, and thus, unlike a black hole, gain no power from it.

Then, there is emotion. This is where I have stumbled in the past, thinking of emotion as Energy. As I give this more thought, I find a problem with this. The problem is, you can’t increase or decrease emotion indefinitely. Not can you store it. There is a limit to how much emotion a person can experience. As a result, it must not be energy itself. Instead, it must be an indicator of Energy.

Emotion must be like a gas gauge with indicator in both positive and negative sides. There is a common “Empty” indicator but must also have “Full” indicators for both positive and negative poles. Emotion indicates if a person is aligned with Energy in either pole. It is like the timing in a car. If dialed in correctly, the car’s efficiency is high. If not aligned, efficiency is low.

We know from experience that emotion and thought are related. Positive thought produces positive emotions and negative thoughts produce negative emotions. Thought seems to be the catalyst for emotion. It is rare that emotion precedes thought.

Even then, thought energy is limited to our being and has very little power to move Creation in a grand way. There must be another source of Energy. In fact, there must be only one source of Energy and all other forms, especially the lower ones like our mental and physical energies are merely reflections of that Energy.

It is this Grand Energy that must move Creation and Manifestation.

Energy’s response to our lower level energy must be according to its intensity and clarity. The closest analogy I can find is that of the radio.

The radio’s manifestation of sound does not come directly from the signal received through its antenna. The signals received by the radio are extremely weak and when received, cannot be heard. They are, by themselves, quite powerless.

For us to actually hear these signals, the radio creates a larger copy of these tiny signals using a power source, electronics and speakers to a form that can be heard by the human ear.

Like the radio, Creation must use the clarity and intensity of our thoughts to manifest automatically using its own Energy. The clearer and more focused the pictures and feelings we provide, the easier the Manifestation becomes. The manifestation is not a matter of direct order but, like the radio, it simply follows the Law of Attraction.

The secret of compressing time, therefore, lies in our ability to concentrate our own thoughts in the direction of positive emotion. Unfortunately, concentration of thoughts in the direction of negative emotion also compresses time, but with negative results. It behooves us, as we achieve concentration, to focus on the positive instead of the negative.

Considering that we think 60,000 thoughts a day, the concentration on a single thought can increase our creative power by 6,000,000 percent! Thus, we gain the energy from this synergism of thought, just as the alignment of dipoles within a magnet creates its attractive magnetic field.

Our own magnetic power depends on the alignment and stability of our thoughts and our ability to focus only on what we want to manifest.

The process of manifestation, itself, is driven my Law. Putting our thoughts into driving manifestation is a waste of Energy.

This series of posts has brought about the following conclusion:

The Intention and its Manifestation occur simultaneously just as an archer and his target exist at the same time. The path between Intention and Manifestation is time. The time between Intention and Manifestation depends on the Energy behind the Intention and Energy is driven by the focus and intensity of the Intender.

Charismatic Presence – The Invisible Magnetic Loops of Personal Power

Magnets attract. They are probably the simplest attractors in the Universe. Even in their simplicity, magnets show us how we, as human magnets, also attract and influence things to ourselves.

The amazing thing about magnets is that they can attract from afar. Put a strong magnet behind a wall and a metal bar on the other side of the wall feels the force of attraction. The powerful magnetic field is not limited by the presence of solid objects.

The force of attraction of a magnet depends on its internal energy.

When scientists studied magnets, they discovered that magnets have a circular field. They found this by placing a magnet under a piece of paper and scattering iron filings on that paper. The fine filings outlined the magnet loops from which the magnet’s field is constructed.

These lines of force emanate from one pole of the magnet and travel in a circular path to the opposite pole of the magnet. Along the way, these lines of force always find the path of least resistance.

The lines of force that leave a magnet always return. In other words, whatever the magnet sends out always comes back!

What happens when an iron bar is placed within a magnet’s field?

The iron bar is, at first, not magnetic. The dipoles (tiny microscopic magnets) within the material are arranged in random order such that the strength of each dipole within the bar opposes the field of others. This prevents a simple iron bar from attracting another iron bar.

But, when the iron bar enters a magnetic field, the magnetic field causes the dipoles in the iron to align. When it does that, the magnet begins to attract the iron bar due to magnetic alignment.

Now, if the iron bar is removed from the magnetic field, something interesting happens. The iron bar retains some magnetism. That is, not all the dipoles flip back into a random position. Many of them stay aligned with the direction of the magnetic field. While not as strong as the permanent magnet, it can attract smaller objects.

In other words, the permanent magnet “influenced” or “convinced” the iron bar of its own inherent magnetism.

As human magnets, we do a similar type of attraction and influencing. Permanent magnets have strong magnetic fields because their internal structure is aligned so that all the dipoles synergistically work together. A person who is also “well aligned”, one with a single minded purpose and emotional drive is highly magnetic.

Most of us, on the other hand, have scattered thoughts and emotions like the dipoles within an iron bar. Thoughts and emotions that are random and rampant cause a loss of attractive energy. This makes a person non-magnetic or, non-charismatic.

But when influenced by highly magnetic individuals, the random thoughts and emotions of another begin to develop purpose and drive and in doing so, also become magnetic.

That is how powerfully motivated people can move audiences and nations. That is the main power of strong leaders. Their powerful charisma reaches out beyond time and space to those who have the proclivity for their message. Like the magnet which can only attract iron, the charismatic individual attracts people who have the potential for similar thought and emotion.

The process feeds on itself. As the charismatic personality attracts others of similar thought and emotion, the magnetism generated by the other personalities add to the magnetism of the returning loop to the source and the source gains even more power. As the source sends out magnetic forces, it receives even greater power.

In the design of magnetic devices, putting iron parts along the path of the magnetic lines increases the magnet’s force capability. The same should be true of humans. The more people aligned with a charismatic leader, the more powerful the leader becomes.

Charismatic presence can be both positive and negative. Based on the synergism with other like fields, Charismatic Presence has the potential for great change. One, however, will create while the other destroys.

The Law of Attraction – Testimonial – Imagineering Disneyland

I have studied the thoughts of both supporters and detractors of the Law of Attraction. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I have no desire whatsoever to argue. I am no preacher, or missionary. I’m simply a person who likes to know how things work, then use that knowledge to make my life better.

I have been the recipient of both positive and negative results of the Law of Attraction which has led to a deeper understanding of the Law.

In this and upcoming posts, I have decided to share the stories of such manifestations, not to teach, preach or shove things down your throat but, maybe, it may inspire you to keep a positive outlook in life. With all the negativity in media, keeping positive can be very hard indeed.

These happened to me in accordance to my own thoughts and beliefs. You will have your own results depending on the make-up of your own mind.

The first thing that always comes to mind when I think of the Law of Attraction is Disneyland.

Disneyland in California is my family’s favorite vacation spot. However, now that we live a thousand miles away, getting to Disneyland is an expensive matter, especially when there are bills to pay and we only have one income source. There was no extra money for vacations.

But I kept getting pummeled from spouse and kids alike for a trip to Disneyland.

I had come across “The Secret” at that time and I found myself relating to the part where we tend to say, “I can’t afford it!” all the time. At that particular time, that was a very true and real statement.

So I decided to change my mind. I kept everything to myself (something which is extremely important!) I merely worked things out in my head. No one had any inkling I was considering it. In fact, because I said nothing, that usually meant “No”!

I went into my imagination daily. I experienced the whole trip. It began with packing the bags, including my obsessive routine with checklists. I visualized driving down our driveway and taking one look back at the house. Then there was the plane trip, the hotel and finally…..Disneyland.
I decided not just to see and hear the trip but to experience the joy of Disneyland. I experience the smiles and my kids laughing and enjoying the rides. I even brought in the hot sun and the joy of drinking ice-cold water while resting our tired feet in the shade. I even included the exhaustion at the end of the day. That was part of Disneyland. You can’t spend a whole day in the park and not get tired. It was a good kind of tired. That made it just as real.

And I added one more feeling – the feeling that the money for the trip did NOT affect my savings account at all. In other words, the money for the trip would come from outside my normal take home pay. It was a relaxed feeling, as if someone else were paying for the trip.

Because I actually had money in my savings account for the trip, I felt no anxiety. I just didn’t want to touch that money. It’s actually quite hard to build up a savings account on a single income basis and blow it in an expensive vacation.

As I continued this “fantasy”, I intended for it to come true, while not being attached to a specific way of it coming to fruition.

I actually had no idea how to make it happen. The hardest part of the whole process was to throw that thought away.

Even then, I was the mind engineer. For me to move in one direction, I knew I had to remove all friction and all opposing forces. Saying, “yes, I go” while simultaneously saying “but, I don’t know how..” creates a resistive force that prevents forward motion. The thought of “how” just had to go!
I was looking towards having the trip during the summer.

My past experience with the Law of Attraction is that solutions usually pop up in unexpected ways.

I made the decision for Disneyland in January. I found a vacation package which included a special plane fare in which the kids flew free! That came out to $2500. Sounds low now, but it was a special package and that was back in the 2005 timeframe when the kids were less than 10 years old.
Around the April – May time frame, something happened.

At work, I was given two awards in recognition for jobs well done. Because of the level of economic prosperity at time, these awards included cash prizes. The total cash prize came out to something like $1500!

At that same time, I received a tax refund of about $1000. The combined total was exactly what I needed for the Disneyland trip.
Only when these monies appeared did I reveal to the family that we would be taking a trip to Disneyland. At no time did I bring up the Law of Attraction. This is a personal thing. It was between me and the Universe, and now I share it with you.

As I look back at the supporters and detractors of the Law of Attraction, and my own studies into the religions of the word, it became apparent to me that the most difficult thing for people is to detach themselves from a specific outcome.

People want a certain something in a certain way and they make specific plans and work those plans with great intensity. That’s because we are told that the harder you work, the more likely you are to achieve your goals. Fun is not part of the picture. The problem comes up when the goal is so specific that only one prize is available to meet the desires of many.

By being too specific, we close our eyes to the potential for other emotionally satisfying ways to achieve our goals.

Yes, it took a few months for the money to appear but (1) I didn’t have to “make” it happen and (2) August was a great month for visiting Disneyland.

I would consider that highly satisfying!