Law of Attraction – The Compression of Time – Part II

In the last post, we established that one way to compress time in the physical universe is through the warping of space-time. In a universe of matter, the greater and denser the mass, the more space-time warps around it. As space-time warps, two points that are a large distance apart may move closer together resulting in the reduction of time it takes to traverse the distance between the two points.

If material space-time is warped by the concentration of mass such black holes, then a similar warpage must occur with the concentration of Energy in the formless planes. After all, Einstein has proven that mass and energy are one and same thing.

There has been a lot of discussion in metaphysics and New Age thought that time is purely a physical phenomenon. It is suggested that in the realms of thought, emotion and spirit, there is no such thing as time. Even among physicists, many question the existence of time in the material world.

Does the question of time come up at all in the higher dimensions? Does time actually exist? If it doesn’t exist, is time compression then, impossible? Or is it really just a matter of viewpoint?

The premise in creation with the Law of Attraction is that the cause and effect occur simultaneous and that it is only the existence of time in the physical plane that makes the effect follow the cause.

I always wondered what how this happens. In what way do cause and effect happen simultaneously?

Perhaps it is not that time does not exist, but that results are predictable. When results are predictable then the cause and the result exist simultaneously.

Take the analogy of an archer preparing to let launch an arrow towards a target. The archer sets the arrow in the bow and pulls back the bow string while aiming at a target. The archer’s aim sets the target while the tension in the bow provides the energy needed by the arrow to reach that target.

Once the arrow is released (intention), an outcome is assured. In other words, cause and effect occur simultaneously. The trajectory of the arrow and its final destination would be predictable by physical laws. The probability of hitting the bull’s-eye depends on the skill of the archer and the power of the bow. But once the arrow is launched, the archer has no more influence on the outcome.

The aim of the archer (the clarity of thought) and the tension of the bow (Energy) determine the curve the arrow will travel. Through the law of gravity, the laws of motion and aerodynamics, arrow will travel a certain path. The releasing of the bow (the intention) triggers the outcome (manifestation).

If the archer’s aim is poor (lack of thought clarity), the arrow will miss the target. However, the tension in the bow is also important. Too little tension (low emotional intensity) and the arrow may not have enough energy to reach the target. Either way, the result is predictable and dependent on the initial conditions – the aim and the tension of the bow.

The difference between the release of the arrow (the intention) and the arrival at the target (manifestation) is time.

So time must exist at the higher dimensions but must also be relative to our own timeframe. Perhaps, when metaphysics states that cause and effect appear simultaneously, it is not because time doesn’t exist, but that awareness at the higher dimensions allows cause and effect to be “visible” and “predictable”.

Einstein argued that time is relative. He didn’t argue that time did not exist. He argued that absolute time does not exist and that time is dependent on the timeframe of the observer.

So, if space-time is warped by the concentration of mass, then there must be a similar mechanism in the higher planes of creation. In these planes, form will disappear. Therefore, if form and Energy are similar, then the lack of form must mean an abundance of Energy.

If mass and energy are the same, then concentration of energy then must warp space-time as well.

But there is another aspect of time that can’t be ignored. Looking again at the physical model, black holes just don’t happen. The power and the concentration of black holes occur over time as the concentration of mass pulls in more mass. The greater the mass accumulated, the greater the gravitational field and more mass is pulled into the black hole.

Over time, the power of the black hole increases exponentially. The same must be true for the concentration of Energy.

So how would the archer change the time between the release of the arrow and contact with the target?

One way would be to increase the tension of the bow. The more precise approach would be to increase the energy applied to the arrow. If the archer changes the bow’s design to use steel, the amount of energy stored in the bow would increase dramatically and the speed of the arrow would increase. With the increased speed, the time to target is decreased. If the approach is changed to that using gun powder, another step increase in speed is achieved and the contact is achieved sooner.

Another way is to use the same bow, but move the target closer. This is similar to the warping of space-time. Change the environment conditions such that the target and the bow approach each other.

In both cases above, the common source is increased energy. It is very likely that with increased energy, both results above will exist.

This material analogy brings the next step in the compression of time – the concentration of Energy. The question becomes – “What Energy needs to be concentrated for manifestation time to be compressed?”

Law of Attraction – How Manifestation May Look Like As Seen From Above

I always wondered what creation would look like when seen from above. So I decided to give it a lot of thought.

I lay down, closed my eyes and let my imagination fly free searching for the answers to that very question. I started from a single known thought and just watched and listened. That’s when my imagination took me to something truly amazing.

I started by looking at the physical body as a mere grain of sand. From a high vantage point, our world must look like beach full of individual grains of sand, each one aware only of other grains in its immediate vicinity and completely unaware that there are worlds beyond our own little cubic centimeter of space.

Then I saw that each grain was covered in a large drop of viscous gel. This was the grain’s thought or mental body. It was free to flow and easily merged with the coating of other drops of similar type and consistency. These outer coatings sparkled with flashes of light that were the constant parade of human thoughts.

Each sparkle was a flash of thought with its brightness or dullness dependent on whether the thought was of positive or negative quality. This coating of thought comprised mostly of energy but still had some form that extended from the sand grain into the space surrounding it. As it took space, it easily merged with those of other grains with like density and consistency.

Beyond the gel coating were even larger coats that varied in consistency from a free-flowing liquid, to an even finer gas field graduating to an immense field of pure Energy. The finer the coating, the more space it took. As the formless auras of these grains of sand met each other, they simply merged into a single formless field.

Ultimately, all consciousness merged into a single Mind.

We are the Universe!

It is within this merged aura of Energy that a grain from one end of the beach communicates with sand grains in the other end of the beach. While they are individually one, at the higher vantage point, they are the same.

As above, so below.

I see the whole Creation as a glowing mass of fluid with finer densities on the outside, coating a colloidal suspension of sand particles moving around in gobs of gel like a complex and variegated lava lamp, always in motion, moving without my having to lift a single finger.

From the viewpoint of the grains of sand, things are happening in random; but not from my high vantage point.

From when I am, I see some grains of sand with outer gel coverings that glow brightly. Most of the grains merely sparkle with the flashing of thought. The glowing ones are those with unified, purposeful thought and feeling. Their alignment of thought and feeling creates a powerful magnetic field around them. The more unified and focused the thought, the more powerful the magnetic field.

These points of high magnetic energy cause ripples in the colloidal suspension just as the formation of a bubble would in a pond. As these ripples expand through regions of finer densities, the power of their waves increase in response, driving movement within the suspension.

Therefore, the few glowing particles move creation, while the others merely follow the currents that form.

The glowing particles don’t need to consciously form the currents of creation. They merely glow and the currents respond, just as candle flame causes air currents to move from hot areas to cold areas. The movement is driven by Law.

The movement of current is being driven by the individual and collective power of these glowing particles. In a Universe of attraction, there is a tendency for particles of like nature and energy to attract, resulting in the arrangement of the Universe with glowing particles conglomerating, surrounded by the typical sparkling particles.

Since all particles are merged at the higher finer densities, there is automatic communication between all particles such that proximity matters not. Movement towards likeness always occurs.

This brings me back to my observations from the top. If I were the Grand One watching the Universe, I would not have to do a thing, because each person’s inner thought and desire already create movement towards fulfillment. The probability of manifestation fulfillment depends on their alignment and strength of desire.

Since the Grand One and the sand particles are really one identity, it is like being the observer and the player at the same time.

The sand particle, being immersed in the current is unaware of its movement. Still, its Energy not only affects those around it, but also, the entire creation.

Is this really what happens?

All I know is that this can easily describe the physics of magnetic particles or varying strengths suspended in a mixture of viscous fluids. If the physical laws are indeed reflections of the greater laws, then what I imagined is how a limited mind like mine would perceive the mechanics of higher Law.

Regardless of how it truly looks, the point is that we are the drivers of our destiny, and that success of that drive depends on how aligned and focused we are.

Law of Attraction – The Faraway Land of Impossible Dreams

A young lady dreams of owning her own record label one day. Yet at this point in time, she is so downhearted because nothing seems to be going her way. She is young, fresh out of school, without the degree or the resources to make things happen.

Her brief foray into the music business hit a brick wall and she was forced to retreat.

She wonders if her dreams will ever come true.

Yet, in her dissatisfaction, I see the very driving force of achievement.

I offer only one piece of advice – no matter what happens on the outside, never ever let go of your dream!

As I see it, her only obstacle is believing that there is only one way to achieve her dream.

I can understand her downheartedness. Haven’t we all been there? Is her situation so unique? Sometimes our dreams are so big that, from where we stand at the moment, they seem almost impossible.

In 1962, President Kennedy challenged the nation to send a man to the Moon by the end of the decade and bring him back safely to Earth. While I’m sure this excited a lot of scientists, it must have felt for the engineers like trying to lift the Great Pyramid a mere foot off the ground. After all, at that time, the United States was just barely succeeded in rocketing a man to orbit, a mere 50 miles above the Earth. The jump from 50 miles above the Earth to 240,000 miles to the Moon, in just eight years, seemed like an enormous leap!

If anything qualified as an impossible dream, this was probably it!
Yet, in 1969, a mere seven years from President Kennedy’s challenge, Neil Armstrong, became the first human to step on the Moon and safely returned to Earth!

That was a monumental achievement!

It was beset by problem after problem. Lessons were learned through mistakes, trial and error, hard work and even tragedy. The tragic loss of three astronauts on the ground led to advancements in the space capsule that protected the lives of several other astronauts who did eventually travel to the moon.

It would have been so easy to say, “forget it, let’s pack it up, it can’t be done!” and end the space program right there and then. But every roadblock was either creatively overcome or bypassed and the dream became a reality.

The dream and the dreamer are connected and are drawn inevitably to each other.

Between them is a force that draws them together, as long as both exist! Lose the dreamer and the dream dies. Lose the dream and the dreamer no longer exists. Both are needed and one sustains the other.

The trip to Moon was an exercise in the Law of Gravity, a model of attraction. The astronauts and the Moon were drawn to each other. The spacecraft traveled a curve path determined by the mutual gravitational attraction of the Earth, the Moon and the spacecraft. With the exception of rocket burns from the Earth, correction burns along the way to the Moon and orbital injection burns at the Moon, the spacecraft merely coasted, riding the connecting line of gravity.

The Moon pulled the astronauts, just as the astronauts pushed towards the Moon.

The closer the astronauts got to the Moon, the faster they traveled.

It is difficult for this young lady, at this point in her life, to see that she is already moving towards her dreams. Degrees and resources come at the right time in the journey. The only pre-requisite, is to keep her eye on the dream, and take things step by step.

This was true for the journey to Moon. In the beginning, the trip to the Moon was nothing more than a sketch on a piece of paper.

But with the resources of the United States and NASA made available, the right minds and talent were gathered to make the dream a reality.

Our dreams are also sketches on a piece of paper. We need the resources of a Greater Mind and Talent to make our dreams possible. Just as the dream and the dreamer co-exist, so do the resources to make the dream happen. It’s just than we can’t see the complex and magnificent operation at work.

Regardless, this invisible orchestration continues until the dreamer gives up or the dream is abandoned. But as long as both exist, the rendezvous of dreamer and dream must happen!

Hence the admonition – “Never let go of your dreams!”

If you have been around for half a century as I have, you already know what I mean.

If you are young, and embarking on your journey to destiny, you may need to trust me a little.

Sometimes we lose track of the fact that it’s fun to put things together. Dreams are like LEGO blocks. The fun is in finding the right block to use in relation to all the other blocks. Once the whole thing is built, it’s not that much fun anymore. We then start building another dream.

It is good to realize the fun in building a dream. All it takes is the realization that there is no one way to get to your dream.

There is just YOUR WAY!

Charismatic Presence – The Invisible Magnetic Loops of Personal Power

Magnets attract. They are probably the simplest attractors in the Universe. Even in their simplicity, magnets show us how we, as human magnets, also attract and influence things to ourselves.

The amazing thing about magnets is that they can attract from afar. Put a strong magnet behind a wall and a metal bar on the other side of the wall feels the force of attraction. The powerful magnetic field is not limited by the presence of solid objects.

The force of attraction of a magnet depends on its internal energy.

When scientists studied magnets, they discovered that magnets have a circular field. They found this by placing a magnet under a piece of paper and scattering iron filings on that paper. The fine filings outlined the magnet loops from which the magnet’s field is constructed.

These lines of force emanate from one pole of the magnet and travel in a circular path to the opposite pole of the magnet. Along the way, these lines of force always find the path of least resistance.

The lines of force that leave a magnet always return. In other words, whatever the magnet sends out always comes back!

What happens when an iron bar is placed within a magnet’s field?

The iron bar is, at first, not magnetic. The dipoles (tiny microscopic magnets) within the material are arranged in random order such that the strength of each dipole within the bar opposes the field of others. This prevents a simple iron bar from attracting another iron bar.

But, when the iron bar enters a magnetic field, the magnetic field causes the dipoles in the iron to align. When it does that, the magnet begins to attract the iron bar due to magnetic alignment.

Now, if the iron bar is removed from the magnetic field, something interesting happens. The iron bar retains some magnetism. That is, not all the dipoles flip back into a random position. Many of them stay aligned with the direction of the magnetic field. While not as strong as the permanent magnet, it can attract smaller objects.

In other words, the permanent magnet “influenced” or “convinced” the iron bar of its own inherent magnetism.

As human magnets, we do a similar type of attraction and influencing. Permanent magnets have strong magnetic fields because their internal structure is aligned so that all the dipoles synergistically work together. A person who is also “well aligned”, one with a single minded purpose and emotional drive is highly magnetic.

Most of us, on the other hand, have scattered thoughts and emotions like the dipoles within an iron bar. Thoughts and emotions that are random and rampant cause a loss of attractive energy. This makes a person non-magnetic or, non-charismatic.

But when influenced by highly magnetic individuals, the random thoughts and emotions of another begin to develop purpose and drive and in doing so, also become magnetic.

That is how powerfully motivated people can move audiences and nations. That is the main power of strong leaders. Their powerful charisma reaches out beyond time and space to those who have the proclivity for their message. Like the magnet which can only attract iron, the charismatic individual attracts people who have the potential for similar thought and emotion.

The process feeds on itself. As the charismatic personality attracts others of similar thought and emotion, the magnetism generated by the other personalities add to the magnetism of the returning loop to the source and the source gains even more power. As the source sends out magnetic forces, it receives even greater power.

In the design of magnetic devices, putting iron parts along the path of the magnetic lines increases the magnet’s force capability. The same should be true of humans. The more people aligned with a charismatic leader, the more powerful the leader becomes.

Charismatic presence can be both positive and negative. Based on the synergism with other like fields, Charismatic Presence has the potential for great change. One, however, will create while the other destroys.

Charismatic Presence – Tapping Into the Power of Universe

Influence and attraction are manifestations of power. And power is a function of Energy. The more Energy one can draw from, the more power one has for influence and attraction.

In this world, there is one true thing about energy. Energy flows from high to low. Water flows downhill. Wind blows from high pressure to low pressure. Current flows from high voltage to ground.

Extrapolating this principle to the higher dimensions, it must also be true that Energy must flow down to us from the much more energetic Higher Dimensions.

So how come we don’t feel it?

When we want to run a flashlight, we need a battery. If we want the flashlight to shine brighter, we add more batteries, or use higher voltage batteries, to increase the flow of current to the bulb filament for it to glow brighter.

What if life were the same? What if each dimension was like a battery of exponentially increasing potential. That is, the mental power source is greater than the physical, the emotional source significantly greater than the mental, and the spiritual source infinitely more powerful than the rest.

If we installed a D-cell battery, a 6-volt battery and a 12-volt car battery end-to-end to a light bulb, and connect the other end of the light bulb to ground, the bulb would glow to a brightness commensurate with combined power of all of these batteries.

But, what if we installed the 6-volt battery backwards? Since the 12-volt and D cell batteries are still correctly installed, their combined energy, being greater than the 6-volt battery, would still supply current to the light bulb. But the bulb’s brightness would be significantly reduced.

Now what if we reverse the direction of the 12-volt battery as well? With the majority of the current now flowing away from the light into ground, the light bulb will fail to glow.

Is this how the flow of life current is but in a much more complicated way?

Perhaps physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies are connected in a single power circuit connecting the Highest Dimension to the physical. Perhaps this is how we are always connected to the Source. Then the flow of Energy will always be there, but dependent on the polarity of the Energy source.

For example, let’s talk about success. Success is different for each person, although the world loves to put a standard to it. A tycoon’s version of success differs from the street artist. When the one tries to succeed in the other’s field, the misalignment in polarity cuts the flow of energy resulting in failure and stress.

I know no one better than myself so I offer myself as an example.

The physical body is attuned to a certain polarity for individual success. At 5’7” tall and would never succeed in the NBA even if I was any good in basketball (which I’m not). So my physical battery is misaligned for sports but offers no resistance whatsoever to a research and writing career.

Now, go to the mental field. I have a knack for concepts and ideas but I lose track of details. When I’m focused on theories, ideas, concepts and puzzle solving, my ideas and energy flow. I am at my very best. But when I am put in a position of managing money, schedules and people with emphasis on details, my energy falters, and I get tired and fatigued. Not only do I tire and fatigue easily, I tend to do a terrible job.

Rise to the emotional field. There is no form to speak of and the effects of emotional polarity can apply to anyone. When people feel good, positive energy flow they are at their best. When people feel bad, energy flows away from them they are at their worst. The power of the emotional battery is enormous and is the hardest to align. Can you remember a time when you felt incredibly bad? Can you remember how hard it was to feel happy then?

Unfortunately, it seems to be easier to flip from happy to sad than to flip from sad to happy. With the power of this particular Energy, being able to create and maintain a positive emotional level goes a long way in both influence and manifestation. It is also the dimension that offers the strongest connection to other people.

Enter the realm of spirit. Unfortunately, I don’t think I have a good analogy for this. To me, it must be like being immersed in a pool full of energized water. This would be a region beyond thought and feeling so, being a creature dominated by thought and feeling, I can only intellectualize this state. I can only extrapolate that rising from the positive emotional field to this must be an indescribable orgasmic experience.

Since Energy flows from the Highest Source to the lowest, being able to align the Highest Energies to our goal provided the power to overcome reverse polarities in the physical and mental fields. That’s why the emotions are so important. Sales people know this! Strong emotions will overcome logic in human interaction.

What does this say?

This means that we are already connected to an immense power source. The problem does not lie in being connected. The problem lies in our misalignment to it.

We misalign in thoughts and emotions. These misalignments are thoughts and emotions that are opposite in polarity to what we want. We want to succeed but we think we can’t. We want to have a house but we feel like we are not worthy. We are extremely complex beings whose physicality is merely the tip of an upside-down, infinitely huge, iceberg!

But that does not mean access to power is not accessible. The power needed for influence and manifestation must only be a miniscule fraction of the available energy. After all, other people have done it and, in the grand scheme of things, there is hardly any difference from one person to another. When looking down from the Higher Dimensions, Bill Gates and I probably don’t look much different from each other.

The secret is in allowing and alignment. And for that, we need the tools of mental and emotional disciplines to achieve our goals.

Foremost among these tools is meditation.

Charismatic Presence – The Fellowship of the Ice Cube

At the heart of Charismatic Presence is the premise that we are multi-dimensional beings. Because of its invisible radiation, charismatic radiation, communication and connector must occur at the higher dimensions.

Imagine two ice cubes sitting side by side, about an inch apart, on a warm day.

Both have a solid form and are “aware” of each other through their proximity. If they had eyes and ears, they would be able to see and hear each other and, maybe, even touch.

The higher energy from the atmosphere creates a sheen of liquid water around the ice cubes. This water is liquid and does not have a firm shape. Water from both ice cubes melt to the ground forming a single puddle between them. Within this puddle, the individuality of each ice cubes merges into one.

But things don’t stop there. Around both ice cubes is a single atmosphere of air that contains molecules of water. This water vapor not only includes water from the atmosphere and other water sources, but also molecules from both ice cubes.

So the solid ice cube, water and water vapor all exist simultaneously. The ice cubes’ deep connection to each other occurs in the liquid vapor. But in its higher gas phase, formless state, the ice cubes merge not only with each other, but with all other water molecules in the Universe. In the gaseous state, it impossible to tell where the molecules of water have come from.

The greatest connection to all other water entities occurs when the water is at its higher energy, formless state. The less form there is, the greater and more fluid the Energy.

This model, which is the imperfect reflection of the higher physical forms, offers a highly simplified description of how the multi-dimensional human communicates with everything and everyone in the Universe.

In our physical state (the ice cube), we are limited to awareness of whatever is in our proximity. Our more fluid thoughts (liquid water) can reach out and touch others of similar thought. Our emotions and spirit, formless in nature (water vapor) is not limited by shape or proximity and connects easily, not only others in our proximity, but with all other entities and the Universe itself.

The premise, therefore, is that the power of Charismatic Presence lies in the higher dimensions. Charisma radiating from thought is more powerful than that radiating from linguistics and body language. Charisma radiating from emotion is even more powerful. And the one radiation from the spirit is one that is in direct communication with the Universe and is the most powerful of all.

Charisma radiating from higher dimensions would automatically influence the radiation from lower dimensions. This is charisma radiation “from within”.

The secret is in learning how to tap into that Energy.

Charismatic Presence – The Radiation of Genius

The goal of this and subsequent posts is to investigate a particularly interesting personal ability. This is the ability of one to influence others without saying a single word. It is influencing by mere presence. For this investigation, I shall call it the Charismatic Presence.

I have encountered this from some “special” people. I call special only because only a few seem to exhibit this Presence while being unaware of it. Physically, there is nothing special about them. They look and sound just like everyone else. They range from short to tall, from thin to large. They come independent of race or gender. Some are healthy and some are physically infirm. In other words, there is nothing physical about them that you can identify as the source of their particular magnetism.

The company I once worked in produced tanks for the Navy. One day, Navy engineers visited for a design review and a tour of the facility. The Navy group was divided into two groups and I was given responsibility one for during the plant tour.

Halfway through the tour, the two groups converged in one assembly area. Around that same time, my boss showed up and shook the hands of the people in the other group.

That’s when someone in my group said something that just floored me.

He looked at my boss and commented to me, “Now that’s a genius!”

I was shocked! I knew that. But how did he, without even as much as a handshake?

There was a reason why my boss was boss. He was, and still is, a very creative engineer who could invent a new valve on the back of a napkin while having lunch, with only seconds to come up with a design. He was self-taught in many analytical software packages and is a brilliant presenter. He comes up with solutions to problems within minutes of learning the problems to the amazement of those around him.

He has been considered as a genius, not only within the company, but also among the customers who use his designs. It is an accolade that he is completely aware of and is comfortable accepting. His genius is apparent as he talks about his designs.

Yet, one person who has never met or spoken to him before, immediately senses him as a genius.

Considering the fact that he does not look like Einstein, and wore the same type of shirt and tie we all did, how did he get singled out as a genius?

Perhaps part of that may be the title of “genius”. Everyone is a genius is one thing or another. The only thing is that a few may have had the good fortune or drive to actually work in their field of genius. The feeling of prestige from being considered a genius must radiate out to others.

This particular radiation must be sensed by something other than our eyes and ears.

His case in not the only one I have encountered. I have encountered others who projected powerful magnetism upon entering a room. Most of these people, though not all, are in positions of authority, not by decree, but by personal achievement. I believe that this self-made achievement is also a factor.

I encounter such individuals now as I watch their videos online. This type of radiation is so strong that it even comes through digital media.

This has convinced me that such magnetism and influence exist and that there is a science behind it. If one person can create charisma, then so can others. Charismatic Presence is not a physical condition but must emanate, radiate, from the higher dimensions of our being. The search for it must, therefore, transcend the physical.

Being unable to see and touch the metaphysical, I can only infer from the physical models. The laws of nature are the imperfect reflections of the greater laws of mind, emotion and spirit. And from observation of physical mechanisms, we can learn how to use the metaphysical mechanisms.

From the charismatic presence of matter, we can learn the Charismatic Presence of humans.

In the next post, I will touch on the models of the magnetism and vibration the combination of which result in attraction and influence.

The Law of Attraction – How About a Nice Game of Chess?

I was helping out a young performing arts student prepare for an audition. As the work ended, he commented to me that he was going to use “The Secret” to win the part.

I didn’t dissuade him from doing so, but I wondered how he would feel as he competed against those who were possibly better and more experienced than he. If he failed, would that convince him that the Law of Attraction was wrong? Would he feel discouraged and mad at the teachers of the Law of Attraction?

So I started thinking, “How does this Law of Attraction really work?” Is it truly as simple as “The Secret” says it is?

As an engineer, I like knowing how things work and often look at models to get an idea. This takes from believing, to knowing. The physical world is a model of a larger and more refined Universe. By seeing how the model works, we can infer, if not completely understand, how the greater Universe operates.

So how would the Law of Attraction satisfy this young man’s desire to win a coveted role? What model can I use to predict the probabilities?

Interestingly enough, I turned to the game of chess. Assuming that we, four-dimensional beings, are engaged in a nice (and friendly?) game of two-dimensional chess. Each player has the tools, the training, the specific goal and the strong desire to win. This game depends more on strategy than on probability. Yet, even probability plays a role as the human mind is not completely logical. Not everything is completely predictable, even in engineering. Emotions are unpredictable, and the human mind is prone to not-so-logical emotional moves.

What if we now focus, not on the players, but on the pieces?

The fields of view and awareness are now very much limited!

The pawn can only move one square at a time. The is the law of its position. The knight can only move in right angles but can jump over other pieces. The bishop has no influence over the pawns, and king, with it limited movement, tries to hide behind other pieces in its immediate vicinity. Some pieces can’t make their move because other pieces are in the way! On the other hand, each piece, while limited in its ability, can still do things the other pieces can’t do! This same is true for every piece, even one as powerful as the queen.

Sound like life!

But these limitations do not apply to the game player who, while living under each piece’s law, sees the grand scheme of things and can use the abilities of each piece to win.

We are in a similar game of chess. From our viewpoint, we can only see what is in our immediate vicinity. We are completely unaware of the bigger game and the other pieces in that game!

In the case of the performing arts student, there is only..the part. It is one event in the space-time continuum. There is no awareness of the other million opportunities that may even greater emotional satisfaction. And, as it is with youth, it may seem missing this the one and only opportunity represents the end of “life” as we know it.

But this does not hold for the Game Master. The Game Master is not limited by the four-dimensionality of the chess board we know as our world. To orchestrate the granting of our desires, the Game Master may take indirect routes in response to the strategy of the opponent. That not only affects space, but also time. For the grand scheme to be achieved, some pieces (in terms of events or circumstances or even time) may need to be discarded to achieve the price. What may look like failure, is nothing more than a strategic move!

Now let’s complicate the whole thing. Chess is a two-dimensional game played by players who operate in a four-dimensional (space-time) world. As we zoom further out, we may see the world as being played by single collective consciousness engaged in a multidimensional game of chess. A move may not be a single square but a distribution of possibilities, iterating in time until all objectives are met.

At the level of the performing arts student, disappointment may occur because of the narrowness of a view, with an attachment to a specific outcome within a short span of time. In the multidimensional game of life, there are infinite moves possible which can happen simultaneously. Yet time affects the appearance of the outcome as influenced by all the factors and players in the game. I wouldn’t even dare to apply my four dimensional mind to this problem.

The key is not to be attached to a specific outcome. By remaining open to all possibilities, not only on our specific space-time location, but in others, we avail ourselves to the Wisdom of the Game Master! This is the true meaning of Detachment!

How amazing the plans and strategies of Providence. If only we could trust that things will happen according to our request, with the outcome better than the limited and specific view we had in mind.

My own life experience reflects this. The things that made a difference in my life came in ways I never expected. But if I forced things by applying my own limited power and intellect, I invariably hit a brick wall or wade through a pond of quicksand.

There is amazing power and ease in this kind of detachment. Decide on the template, the feeling, then allow the Universe to plan the moves. Then, simply, let the Universe move you.

Breathing In Magnetic Energy

A lot of seemingly complicated things often boil down to a very simple principles.

This is true of many engineering disciplines. As a specialist in electromagnetic devices, I often resort to simple analogy to explain complicated magnetic principles. To mechanical engineers, I use water flow. For electrical engineers, I use current. To musicians, I use the vibration of sound.

I have researched the principles of metaphysical energy for decades ever since I first learned about the power of breathing to control weight. My first exposure to it was though Yoga. But I also researched Tai Chi, the related Chi Gung, and the surprisingly similar Nerve Force breathing.

I later realized that breathing energy has metaphysical as well as physical benefits.

Over the years, I have found other teachers who preach their own kind of breathing for purposes of health as well and for power.

While these techniques are presented as being unique, I find they all boil down to a single, common principle. The rest are variations to suit a particular application or purpose…or business.

The principle is simple:

Air contains not only the oxygen we need, but a metaphysical energy called Chi, or Prana, or Nerve Force, that vitalizes our bodies, emotions and minds, through nerve centers called Chakras. Through deep, slow, rhythmic breathing, we absorb this energy and exhale old, stale, negative energy, thereby revitalizing our physical apparatus. The rhythm is slow, with the exhalation longer than the inhalation. The energy responds to our attention. The center where we place our attention, retains the energy.

I have theorized earlier that our physical and metaphysical bodies must breathe in parallel. While our physical bodies absorb the oxygen, our metaphysical bodies absorb the Chi. Through the connections between our metaphysical and physical bodies, our physical bodies benefit from the infusion of such energy.

Because the metaphysical energy flows through the connections between the metaphysical body and physical body, it not only revitalizes the physical body, but also creates the awareness of the metaphysical body. This allowed the Yoga and Chi Gung masters to feel the chi flow, and raise themselves spiritually. The martial artists strengthened their ability to project their more pliable metaphysical bodies to influence their opponents. The visionaries were able to project their metaphyical bodes as well to influence others.

The energy responds to attention. And, attention is guided through the imagination. By visualizing energy flowing in with each breath and directed towards an energy center, we are able to store energy for our use. The location in our body which can hold the most energy is located between the navel and the genitals.

Most people breathe shallow, through the chest, resulting in practically no accumulation of energy. The more energetic people breathe through the diaphragm, like a child, moving the energy towards the navel.

So breathe low and slow, like a child, in rhythmic play, relaxed and imaginative, bringing in the positive energy and expelling the old. All other techniques are just variations of a theme.

Focus your imagination. Imagination is the guiding software tool of the metaphysical and physical bodies. Whatever you entertain in your imagination is energized by emotion which, in turn, is strengthened by the Chi.

Through your imagination, move the energy where you want it. It goes where your attention goes. That is why whatever you give your attention to develops. What you take your attention away from decays. Keep you mind on your goal and energize it with energy. High energy produces high positive emotion. Low energy causes depression.

Energy accumulation, therefore, is as much a mental exercise as it is physical. This is where the metaphysical and the physical come together. This is where people of strong will succeed. It is a matter of strong mental focus combined with breathing.

Take the time to breathe consciously. Do it for only a short time in the beginning to allow your body to get used to it. Don’t shock your system.

Maintain a slow rhythm. Exhale longer then the inhalation while keeping the exhalation relaxed. Don’t breathe too fast as you can hyperventilate. That is hazardous to your health. Treat it like a preparation for a marathon. Increase your power little by little. Take on too much and your body is likely to buckle under the strain. Be patient.

Relaxation during breathing is extremely important. Never force your breath into an unnatural rhythm.

I can’t emphasize enough to go slow. In engineering, we never like to shock a system. Any sudden and drastic change is a shock. Give the system time to acclimate.

For more information on breath energy, I encourage you to look into Chi Gung (Also spelled Qi Gung, and Chi Kung) as well as the breathing techniques of Yoga.


How To Build Charismatic Energy for Personal Magnetism

Charismatic radiation is a by-product of internal energy. Like a piece of iron that glows white-hot after absorbing heat from a furnace, so must a person “glow” after absorbing copious amounts of Energy.

It’s the type of Energy that matters. Physical energy, the one derived from the chemical reaction of food and air doesn’t bring about charismatic radiation. It sustains our bodies, but trying to absorb increased amounts of physical energy just causes storage of additional physical mass. Nothing more.

So where does this truly attractive energy come from?

It is apparent that charismatic energy is not from a physical source. Hence, the only other source must be non-physical, especially since charismatic radiation is not sensed through our physical apparatus.

As multidimensional beings, our physical bodies are modeled against other more refined and more energetic bodies. These are bodies that may not exist in the same space-time dimension as our physical bodies, yet have a direct connection to it. These connection points are the conduits through which Energy flows from these refined dimensions to our physical one.

If our physical being draws physical energy from food and air, then our greater bodies, must draw a parallel process of energy. But because our ethereal bodies and our physical ones are connected, we also receive this metaphysical Energy.

The most important energy source for our bodies is air. Without it, we die in a matter of seconds. Our ethereal bodies must have a similar type of “air” to gain energy.

As we breathe in air, so our ethereal bodies must simultaneously “breathe” in an ethereal “air”. A study of the Yoga, Chi Gung and Thought Science offer a singular source though being given different names – Prana, Chi and Nerve Force. As we breath in air to sustain our physical bodies, our ethereal bodies must, simultaneously, breathe in Chi!

We generate and collect charismatic Energy through breathing! We just don’t realize what we are doing and fail to consciously accumulate such Energy. We breathe it in, and we breathe it out, accumulating practically nothing.

In engineering, there is a basic process for everything. But from the basic process, there are specific process for every application. The science behind aerodynamics, for example, is the same for a car, a jetliner and a supersonic fighter. However, each application, uses aerodynamics in a different way to may their specific application work.

The same is true for Chi, Prana and Nerve Force. The Energy is the same, but the development and intensity depends on whether it is used for spiritual development, health, the martial arts and even..manifestation. All encompass the use of breathing, but years (and centuries maybe?) of trial and error for specific goals by those who have studied and practice its cultivation have resulted in variations in technique.

Yet, the principle is the same for all. And it is simple.

Breathe in, imagine you are breathing in Energy, hold the Energy within you and breathe out what you don’t want. Through this practice, Energy is accumulated. Then, through the power of the mind, this Energy can be directed to whatever purpose is desired. With practice the flow of this Energy can be felt within the body.

For all the special techniques and colorful names used in the practice of Energy accumulation, it all boils down to this. It is done through breathing and controlled through visualization or imagination.

We have a natural way of doing this. We knew it as children and lost it as adults.

Perhaps that is the reason we need to be like children again to enter the “Kingdom of God”.

Being children one more, we relearn the mechanics of creating magnetic energy and re-connect with our Higher Selves.

Need proof?

Is there any one in this world more magnetic and charismatic than a child? ‘Nuff said!

I will be offering more about this Energy process in upcoming posts.